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The Madonna della Vetrana Sanctuary

Santuario Maria Santissima della Vetrana - Foto di Pasquale Ladogana

Located at the top of a high ground, the Madonna della Vetrana Sanctuary is topped by a polychrome-tile dome. It was built in 1691 as a sign of gratitude after Castellana was preserved from the plague. Inside you can see a 14th century icon depicting the Virgin of Vetrana (from Veterana). In a side chapel there is a statue of the Virgin of Vetrana, in front of which an oil lamp has been burning for more than three centuries. Every year that oil is collected in the town’s olive oil mills on the eve of January 11. On this day – in remembrance of the 1691 plague – big pyres burn in Castellana Grotte: this is called Le Fanove.

(trad. Maria Chiara Ivone - Tirocinante Unitrieste SSLMIT)

For further information

Sanctuary web site
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15 Aprile 2024
15 Aprile 2024