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Vincenzo Fato, the artist

Vincenzo Fato

(Castellana-Grotte, 1705 – Castellana-Grotte, February 6, 1788).

Opera di Vincenzo FatoThe artist of Castellana Vincenzo Fato was born in 1705 – probably in Castellana, in the land of Bari – although the date of his act of baptism is not known. Between 1713 and 1719, he was an apprentice of Paolo De Matteis – who had been a pupil of Luca Giordano – and moved to Naples. There, he got the most prestigious commission of his career: eight paintings for the sacristies of the Treasure of San Gennaro in the cathedral. In 1752 he came back to Castellana because of the strong competition.

In Apulia he received several commissions. However, his clients were not so generous by lowering the payments, so for many years he lived in poverty. He married Antonia Picardi of Naples and had three daughters, who were born in 1752, 1754 and 1761. Vincenzo Fato died in Castellana on February 6, 1788 and he is buried in the church of Purgatorio or Santa Maria del Suffragio.

This church resembles a Fato’s personal gallery because of his several works preserved here. His paintings are in every church of Castellana-Grotte – except in the church of Sant’Onofrio – and also in the towns of Putignano, Noci, Monopoli, Polignano a Mare, Conversano, Mola di Bari, Rutigliano, Capurso, Santeramo in Colle, Castellaneta, Massafra, Manfredonia and Frasso Telesino, in the province of Benevento.

(trad. Maria Chiara Ivone - Tirocinante Unitrieste SSLMIT)



Dizionario biografico degli italiani, XLV, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana, 1995.

Lanzillotta, G., Contributo alla storia artistica di Putignano nel XVII secolo. L’opera di Vincenzo Fato in Putignano: il paese e la memoria, a cura di E. Bruno, E. Elba, P. Pipoli, 2007.

Lanzilotta G., La vita e le opere di Vincenzo Fato (1705-1788), in "Fogli di Periferia", a. XI, nn. 1-2, 1999.

Lanzillotta G. (a cura di), Vincenzo Fato nella pittura del Settecento in Puglia, Catalogo della mostra, Edizioni Comune di Castellana-Grotte, 2006.

(Testo tratto da



17 Maggio 2024